
My Prices


  • Bust - $15

  • Half Body - $20

  • Full Body - $30

Flat Color

  • Bust - $40

  • Half Body - $45

  • Full Body - $60

Full Color

  • Bust - $65

  • Half Body - $75

  • Full Body - $90

bonus: HD Mine Little Pony Skins- $25

- every extra character is +$10 on the total price
-some complex background elements might add onto the total dependant of what is asked for.

Sketch Examples

Flat Color Examples

Full Color Examples

HD Mine Little Pony skins

Terms Of Service

By commissioning me, you are agreeing to all the terms listed below.(these terms will steadily be updated in the future.)


  • I have the right to refuse a commission for any reason (ex: too complex, subject matter, etc.) I am under no obligation to explain to you why either.

  • to commission me, you must be over the age of 18.

  • please provide to me all of your character reference(s), moodboards, or what have you so i can have a clear vision of what you want. I will most likely not accept a commission based on a vague request.

  • you may either contact me via Ko-fi, Discord, Twitter, or Tumblr. (most of these links are listed on my main carrd)

  • if a question about what i can or can't draw isn't answered by what's already listed, or doesn't show up in my examples, you are more than welcome to ask questions about what im capable of doing.

  • if you are asking for an OC that does not belong to you, please bring me proof that you have permission to commission art of that character design. (note: this does not count for characters from official fandom media)

  • you may not use my art for commercial purposes, unless given permission or use my art for an AI database or NFTs.

  • as of currently, all of my goods are digital.


  • before I will even begin the piece, i will have to be payed first.

  • payment is only accepted via my Ko-fi.

  • if you do not use USD, please properly convert the equivalent amount of your currency.

  • you do not have to tip me !! I do appreciate it but let it be known it is not required or obligated of you.


  • while you are allowed to ask for progress photos, please don't ask for them super often or right away

  • a Commission may at the very least take 1-2 days to finish, depending on the details of said commission. however, my motivation can vary depending on many factors, so it may take an indefinite amount of time.

  • I do accept requests for alterations. however, bigger alterations will require a little more money as compensation for my time.

What I will draw βœ”

  • Humans/Humanoids

  • Furries* (*dependent on whether i'm confidant about drawing a specific species)

  • MLP styled characters

  • Sonic style characters

  • non-heavy Gore

  • some suggestive themes

  • canon x canon* and oc/self insert x canon* (*dependent on the ship and characters)

What I won't draw ⊘

  • Explicit NSFW

  • Heavy gore

  • "SFW" kink content

  • Anime styled characters

  • themes/depictions of paraphilias.

  • realistic style

  • overly detailed designs* (* completely dependent on what i feel im capable of doing)